

FW26-27 Beauty & Wellness Trends: — A life of enchantment

The boundaries between the everyday and the imaginary are blurring and disrupting our rooting and relationship to the tangible world.

Individuals seek to draw on their heritage to revisit their skin and beauty care rituals through the lens of fantasy mythologies, historical fragments or popular cultural influences. The foundation of humanity, which goes back to the Paleolithic, leads us to reassess our beliefs and basic needs, and challenges our vision of longevity.

Grand historical narratives, whether fictional or referenced, are reinvented as modern-day tales to enrich and infuse a measure of pomp to increasingly complex beauty routines.

Pop culture updates functionality, cloaking it in a reassuring and caring veil, while a new, softer and more pragmatic urban reality inspires smart nomadic cosmetics.

The Beauty & Wellness trend book is an essential source of intelligence into key sociocultural and creative trends for the beauty and cosmetics industry.

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